The unprecedented issues created by the pandemic are ever increasing. While some of us may be privileged enough to get by, many others still remain without a source of income, sustenance, livelihood or even a mask.During these times Aambra Foundation is continuing work in urban slums to create livelihoods for women who have lost contact based occupations i.e, sex workers, domestic labour, beauticians, Mehendiwali, churiwali, street vendors and many others. AF also carries out Covid Sensitization drives.

The target is to cover children of – Age Group 6+, This includes street children, children of migrant labour, floating population and children belonging to vulnerable communities.

1) Awareness about Childline number – 1098
2) Awareness about COVID appropriate behaviour (like hand washing, wearing masks, social distancing, etc).
3) soaps/ sanitizer distribution to vulnerable children.
4) Mask distribution to street children.

Let’s not forget a common future awaits us. #Amaskforeveryone

Every donation will save a life and make a difference.

Aambra Foundation carried out a Mask Drive in Bhatti Mines area on 30th June 2021, Tuesday, 11 to 1pm.