By, Shreya Rajput, Social-media intern, SheSpeaks


Since 2012, October 11 has been recognised and celebrated as one of most auspicious day, “The International Day of the Girl Child’ all over the world. The theme for this year is “My Voice, Our Equal Future “. The theme of the first ever event was “Ending child marriage”. The significance behind acknowledging the International Girl Child Day is to cynosure on the need to address the difficulties girls face and to advance women empowerment and the fulfilment of their basic liberties.


United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization has focused on major reforms of education. The organisation also focused about the issue of girl child education In India.Gender equality is a worldwide concern for UNESCO. They are trying their level best to support the young girls and to make their voices and ideas reach the people for sustainable development and peace. In an number of cases over the globe, adolescent girls drop out of school, because of forced marriage or child labour. UNESCO has focused on commending this day to guarantee that all young girls approach quality training with a dignified lifestyle.


Various surveys and research show that the well-off girls are educated, and the more access they need to educational assets as women in the public and culture, the better the whole family will do. These advantages are quantifiable in terms of financial matters, physical wellbeing and even social standing. The girl today who considers herself to be more than something or another being just a spouse, or just analysing the world with the authorization of her father or husband, is probably going to turn into a law-maker or an educator who can impact her general society and her way of life in manners that will engage others.


Adolescent girls reserve the privilege to a safe, educated, and sound life, during these basic early stages, yet in addition as they develop into women. If the girl child is supported from their early adolescent years, then the girl has a chance to change the world: both as a symbol of empowerment and strength. The status of women is still futile with regards to a developing or un-developed nation.  There is a huge fraction of the women population that actually is fighting to get their privileges outlast in the male dominating world.


Today, these developments have extended. They are being sorted out by and for adolescent girls, and handling issues like child marriage, sex based violations, and girls rights to enter places of worship or public spots during menstruation cycle.


It’s our duty to empower, motivate and promote girl education as well. One needs to get rid of this gender inequality and focus on holistic development. One also needs to spread awareness about not accepting and following this social stigma of not educating the girl chid. There should be more awareness about girl education in rural areas and we as citizens of India, should spread positivity by all means possible. So, this International Day of the Girl Child, let’s keep investing in girls and working towards the future and make our country a better place to be. Let’s join our hands together and celebrate this important day of the girl child.

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